Sunday, November 10, 2013

Mood Swings of Motherhood

   So, I was washing dishes in the middle of morning kitchen clean up.  It had been a rough morning.  The kids had been extra pokey, protested loudly about getting up,  and were  unable to find shoes, lunch box etc.  Although they're supposed to get their things ready the night before, for one excuse or another, it hadn't gotten done.  I'm sure you mom's can relate with those kind of mornings.   Needless to say the kids were late to school and I had given them a good lecture on the way. To my credit,  I did  refrain from my desire of  kicking them each in the butt.  In an effort to regroup,  I turned on music and got focused on cleaning.  Soon, the song "Come to Me" came on by Celine Dion.  If you haven't heard it, It's about a Mom encouraging her kids to spread their wings and fly, but wanting them to always remember she was there if they needed her.
  I had to sit right down then and there and have a good bawl.  I went from wanting to give them a swift kick in the pants to crying bittersweet tears at the fact that they were all growing up so fast and how much I loved them in a matter of minutes.  Talk about your mood swings!!!  If Jeremy would have come home to find me bawling in the kitchen, listening to my iPod, he would have thought I was off my rocker!
It's amazing the mood swings motherhood can put you through. . . .From   exhaustion to pure joy, from frustration to adoration, from worry to unconditional love, from desperation to gratitude, and from anger, to sweet bliss!  Holy Moly what a roller coaster!!  What an amazing ride of motherhood I am on!  I'll try to keep my hands and feet in at all times and try not to close my eyes and scream at the top of my lungs :)

   Torah has been taking us on quite an adventure herself lately!  She is 91/2 months old.  What a fun stage she is in.  She's learning to do something new every single day (clapping, waving bye bye, playing peek a boo, doing funny faces, crawling all over, and pulling her self up to stand)  She has finally grown out of her colicky fussiness and is just plain fun!

Here's the latest pics. . .

                                        Pretty Girl at the Doctors office: 18 lbs 7oz  28.5" tall

Funny baby                                                                        Silly Faces

                                      Love those eyes!
Torah's top two teeth have been trying to cut through making her a little miserable.  Mommy put some frozen peas in a wash cloth for her to chew on . . .  "Mmm feels so much better!"

Now if you're a mom or a dad and you  want a good bawl,  here's a link to that Celine Dion Song.

Pictures of Brandon's Birthday and Halloween coming soon.

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